https://www.heartbreathdance.com Somatic Bodywork is an approach to one to one therapy that builds on the knowledge of different modalities such as Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Tantsu,
Treatment following Haptosynesia, by Alexandre, Orthopedist & Naturopath.
By Alexandre, Orthopedist & Naturopath.
Deep tissue massage for those who need deeper relaxation and healing.
Full body old massage along the energetic lines (nadis) stimulates the vital points (marmas) helping to clean the system from toxins and energetic crystallization balancing
A series of movements that act on the internal imbalance of the person, so that balance and wellbeing can be restored.
Oldest forms of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment without oil. It stimulates blood circulation, mobilizes joints relaxing them, producing consequently an effect on the whole
The Sanskrit “rub scrub”, is a detoxifying ayurvedic massage without oil practiced with woolen gloves, which eliminated the electrostatic charges accumulated in the body (with
It is a practice of ayurvedic medicine and part of its countless potentials. Its aim is to restore the balance between body and mind through
Moxibustion(艾灸)has have been used in China, Japan, and Korea for thousands of years. Treatment is done by burning a Chinese medicinal herb, called Moxa or
Chinese Fire Cupping Fire cupping(火罐) is an ancient form of therapy of China, in which a local suction is created on the skin by introducing
Offering face packs and other treatments for healthy skin.
Offering hair removal from body.
Offering to care for nails on hands or feet.
Offering haircutting, or hair dying processes.
Body Logic is an intensive hands-on therapy that words on the structure on muscular restrictions. It releases compression and tightness, freeing space around joints by
It’s a therapeutic massage technique based on the teachings and practices of the ancient Hawaiian Kahunas. It gives fluidity, coordination, balance, and harmony between body,
It’s a therapeutic deep tissue and myofascial technique that facilitates less restriction and more relaxation in the recipient’s bodies taking advantage of support tools like
It’s a practice that is part of the osteopathic tradition. It is a manual technique that involves.
" Discovering Our Inner Subpersonalities And Balancing Them" We may think we are "one" in our personality, that always the same " I" is feeling,
“From Suffering to Freedom" At each moment life is at it is, that's all! But we don't see it in that beautiful and serene simplicity!
The ageless “Ancient Tarot de Marseille” archetypes act like an inner mirror helping to reveal what is hidden in our psyche. Awaking a sleeping inner
Arka, ‘meaning Ray of Light,’ is a holistic centre which aims to foster health, growth, and progress on all levels — the key to remaining young regardless of one’s age.